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A Happy New Year! Join us to blow away the cobwebs, with excellent views of great Pennine landscapes. A well-trodden route of starts and finishes passing station opt outs if required.

Wear sturdy boots!

Start: 9.50am at HONLEY station. Finish: DENBY DALE.

Distance: 8½ miles.

Leader: David Cook (07717-497684)

Depart: Huddersfield 0848 BUS to Lockwood 0915,

Berry Brow 0918 to HONLEY 0920.

Depart: Lincoln 0643, Saxilby 0652, Gainsborough Lea Rd 0703, Retford 0717, Worksop 0730 to Sheffield 0804 then change: Depart: Sheffield 0835, Meadowhall 0840, Chapeltown 0847, Elsecar 0853, Wombwell 0856, Barnsley 0903, Dodworth 0909, Silkstone Common 0912, Penistone 0919, Denby Dale 0926, Shepley 0930, Stocksmoor 0934, Brockholes 0938 to HONLEY 0940.

RAIL REPLACEMENT BUS SERVICE: Huddersfield to & from Lockwood

The TransPennine Route Upgrade (TRU) will continue during 2025. There could be periods when Huddersfield station will be completely closed to all services. During these periods, a rail replacement bus service will depart from Huddersfield to connect with the Penistone Line train at Lockwood station.

Photo Credit: Yorkshire Live

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